Learning a New Language!

I’m ready to learn another language. This time, it will be Russian.

I want to try and recreate the same methods that I used to learn Japanese. My current plan is to tackle the Cyrillic alphabets down using Anki flashcards. I am still having some trouble with remembering the sounds of letters like Ы, Э, Ж, Ё, У. But overall, with more practice I can get there.

At the same time, I’m listening to this podcast called “Russian made easy“, so far the lessons has been easy enough to follow. I just want to get some of the basic vocabulary and grammar to get me familiarised with how the language works (I hope).

Another thing that I did when I learned Japanese was watching a lot of Japanese shows. Mainly variety shows. So for this journey, I’ve also been watching a Russian TV series to immerse myself in it. This should help me with getting familiarised with how the language sounds when it’s spoken normally.

So yes, that’s the plan for now. We’ll see how it goes 6 months from now.

I have no doubt in my ability to learn a new language, but learning requires dedication so let’s just hope I have the drive to keep going. Until then, keep safe.

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